It’s a story about a young man and his biggest wish to become a knight. We follow his struggle to accomplish his dream, and who knows. Perhaps he will succeed?
The animated film will be localized for the nordic countries and all versions mixed in 5.1 an 2.0.
Delivered a 20 sec spot for the Vida group today. The job included sfx and mix. Tools used were BaseHead, ProTools and some secret not to be named plug-ins from Toontrack.
In november last year (2013) I did a two day shoot together with SU-EN for Mon no Kai. The location were at the SU-EN Butoh Company’s HQ in Almunge, Sweden.
Some food between takes
I used a Blackmagic Pocket and a Canon 5D mark III. The edit has been slowly progressing and the result will be showing at an installation and a short film scheduled for autumn 2015.