Did the complete sound for the short film “För de som vågar” (To Those Who Dare) from recording, foley and mix. Also wrote & recorded part of the music and did the post of the film. The film is directed by Hernan Quintero.
The short film has won the Best Director and Best Film at the Hot Shorts Film Festival, London. And also got official selection nominee at the Bucharest Shortcut Cinefest, London IFF and Sweet As Film Festival.
In 2006 I did a 2 day shoot together wth SU-EN Butoh Company. The shoot took place at a scrapyard. The result became an eight minute short film “Scrapyard” that have been shown at Swedish Television, several festivals and workshops around the world. The short film has now been invited to the permanent installation at the Swedish Museum of Performing Arts and is showing there for the years to come.

see your audio, listen to your picture…