Did the complete sound for the short film “För de som vågar” (To Those Who Dare) from recording, foley and mix. Also wrote & recorded part of the music and did the post of the film. The film is directed by Hernan Quintero.
The short film has won the Best Director and Best Film at the Hot Shorts Film Festival, London. And also got official selection nominee at the Bucharest Shortcut Cinefest, London IFF and Sweet As Film Festival.
In 2006 I did a 2 day shoot together wth SU-EN Butoh Company. The shoot took place at a scrapyard. The result became an eight minute short film “Scrapyard” that have been shown at Swedish Television, several festivals and workshops around the world. The short film has now been invited to the permanent installation at the Swedish Museum of Performing Arts and is showing there for the years to come.
Just finished the edit of the band Haerdsmaelta´s latest vid “I Kissed Jesus”. It´s a nice little tune that needed some cuts. I used FCPX exclusively. It´s great when you have a six track multicam (ProRes) and is able to to just stretch/re-time the 3 min vid in the multicam-clip to match towards the music. Then do the edit, add the graphics, do the colour. And best of all no rendering needed!
Here´s a link to the piece https://vimeo.com/155055821
So after nearly exact two years in the making, the 24 min film VORACIOUS finally have premiere at the vernissage held at Uppsala Art Museum (2015-10-28). For the exhibition Earthly Powers.
The piece is about hunger, desire and the cycle of life. The film is
made in near collaboration with butoh artist SU-EN and the mini-pig Laban.
Have been recording vocals for the swedish and american version of “Heroes of The City” season 2. “Heroes of The City” is a swedish animated serie for children that is produced and created by Ruta Ett AB. I´m also taking care of the translation, recording and stem-mixing for the new season.
Have just done the post (audio/picture) of a pilot episode of Pippi Longstocking in Amharic (Ethiopia). It’s actually very amusing to work with a program that I enjoyed watching myself as a kid! Time flies by…
Are finnishing up the edit for a small presentation/doc of Silvio Trevizan and his restaurant. Silvio has been a fisherman whole his life at the Adriatic Sea. Now he has moved to Sweden and is running a restaurant where he serves food from the Dalmatian kitchen. Until the film is finnished here are some pics from it.
It’s a story about a young man and his biggest wish to become a knight. We follow his struggle to accomplish his dream, and who knows. Perhaps he will succeed?
The animated film will be localized for the nordic countries and all versions mixed in 5.1 an 2.0.
Delivered a 20 sec spot for the Vida group today. The job included sfx and mix. Tools used were BaseHead, ProTools and some secret not to be named plug-ins from Toontrack.
In november last year (2013) I did a two day shoot together with SU-EN for Mon no Kai. The location were at the SU-EN Butoh Company’s HQ in Almunge, Sweden.
Some food between takes
I used a Blackmagic Pocket and a Canon 5D mark III. The edit has been slowly progressing and the result will be showing at an installation and a short film scheduled for autumn 2015.