Finally an adapter…

Finally I got the adapter for my Vivitar 28mm ƒ2.8 prime! At last can I fit the lens to my BM camera.

I found this lens in a second hand shop sitting on an old Minolta XG1. I have just briefly tried it and so far… I’m VERY HAPPY!

The focus is just music, I can’t describe it better! The focus rolls with the light. It’s sharp and at the same time not sharp, it’s smooth with a triple o-o-o. I write above that the lens is a Vivitar and until I haven´t found out otherwise it is a Vivitar.

“…it’s smooth, with a triple o-o-o…”

The lovely lens
The lovely lens

I have a feeling that it can be Komine manufactured and I will try to find out. If you have an answer to this question please get in touch. Until then…

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